Official Visiting Day-Sunday July 23, 1967

The Administration and Staff of Camp Mar-Lin are happy to welcome you to camp.

Parents and Visitors are requested to assemble in the lower campus area (Central to the Canteen and Dining Hall). Your camper will join you there at 1:30 p.m. Bunk Counselors will be available throughout the afternoon to answer any questions you may have regarding your camper's adjustment and progress.

Our Assistant Director, Larry Schenck and the Unit Heads, Phyllis Schwartz, June Sobelson, Larry Rivkin, and Jeff Seide will be available for special consultation and the discussion of special problems or matters of an administrative nature.

Dora Silver, Office Manager, and Mrs. Larry Schenck of the Business Office staff will be on duty at the Administration Building to handle matters pertinent to their department.

A formal approach to schedule for today has been purposely avoided to permit maximum oppurtunity for leisurely visiting with your camper. Feel free to visit any area of camp of interest to you and your camper.

We cannot invite you to enjoy our pool or go out in the small craft at our lake-front because of water safety considerations. However, all of our athletic facilities may be used : tennis , basketball and baseball.

At 3:00p.m. there will be a buzzer alert for campers to change for General Swim. General Swim will be held from 3:15-3:45 p.m. Lake-front activity (waterskiing & small crafts) will continue until 4:50 for eligible campers. Feel free to consult with our Water Safety staff, Ira Titunik , Steve Titunik, Joel Freedman, Sue Robinson, and Mike Moran.

Plan to visit our Arts & Crafts shop and see the impressive exhibit arranged by our Arts & Crafts director, Mrs. Sue Shurrock.

Also, take a look see at the campsite set up in our lake-front pioneering area by Ed Gray, our Pioneering Specialist.

If tennis is of special interest to you or your camper, look for our Tennis specialist, Richie Spitzer, who will be putting Mar-Lin's 1967 Berkshire Tennis Tourney Squad through their paces at 2:30 p.m.

We shall look forward to the pleasure of visiting with you and trust you will have an enjoyable afternoon.