The Irregulars


Last Will and Testament

Iris Kaplan...........a shower without socks

Emmy Pindus.....the Arts and Crafts Shack

Cheryl Sard..........a flashlight with bubble-gum batteries

Becky Schnier....a year's supply of safety pins for her bikinis

Debbie Steel........"Four 'J's"

Debbie Walters..a guitar that doesn't get warped when the toilet overflows

Sue Zuboff............the back of a bus and Camp Policy, a mirror and a quickie pill

Nancy Rosenbaum..A show to star in

Tina.........................a pair of pajama's, a fairy tale, a dancing class and sneakers without holes

Dava........................This is the story - a wiggleless chin, clean teeth, a light to catch, chuck it!

Cabin 1..................."A pillow on the Roof"

Cabin 3....................a roll of toilet paper