The Nebbishes
Allison Kay leaves her four leaf clover and good luck charm to anyone unlucky enough to need it.
Lauren Feinstein wills her well-deserved Olympic award to any future camper who can earn it.
Gloria Katz leaves her unhappy face and Cabin Ten's broom and first sweep to any future unsuspecting Cabin 10er
Laura Levine leaves her unbroken record with boys and accidents.
Ro Bernstein leaves a raging, snarling, panting jungle beast and a football to any future camper with an inexhaustable supply of energy and an exhausted counsellor
Lois Taras leaves the ability to feel suddenly ill during swim.
Lorraine Sorkin leaves a set of ear plugs, which her counsellor is sure she must have, to any future camper who likes to sleep late.
Jeanne Laudon ..$4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50
Lois Kaplan leaves one sheet of sandpaper and plenty of elbow grease to anyone with an over-worked magic marker
Lonnie Koppell leaves one ripped curler cap, one lost bathing suit, and a bag of happy memories
Sandy Rose leaves a postcard for any future counsellor who does not receive mail.
Lucy Gross leaves her wet bathing suit to anyone who does not want to go swimming.
Nancy Pindus leaves one stripped bed to save her new counsellor the trouble of stripping it.
Robin Stieber leaves one golden arrow for the bow of her future counsellor's cupid.
Eileen Kent leaves one broken finger, one slightly used I.D., one trolley car and another unhappy face.
Diane Kerbel leaves fifty million smiling hello's to the next counsellor of Cabin Ten, who will surely need them.
Barbara Matzkin leaves one gimp doll and a broken ash tray.
Beryl Herman leaves one glass of chocolate milk to any waiter who wants to get it.